Stecher Automation

Our unique selling proposition is our in-house developed robot solutions for automation. When the highest level of manufacturing expertise is combined with creative automation, the result is incredibly productive and therefore economical solutions.

The tasks of our S-TEC department are diverse and often require new ways of solving problems.

  • Robot integration in manufacturing with measuring and machining tasks
  • Setup of robot lines for the production of complex components
  • Development of collaborative robot cells for human-machine integration
  • Integration of logistics concepts such as AGVs (automated guided vehicles) into large-scale automation solutions
  • Integration of laser marking for measured value storage for each component
  • Component-specific special solutions for cleaning and vacuum drying for the highest cleanliness requirements including compliance with restrictive residual dirt requirements of the automotive industry

A major advantage of in-house automation is the rapid implementation of ideas.

You can find more information here.

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