Last Monday, we welcomed five young people to their new phase of life, the training period that is now beginning. Managing Director Günter Stecher took away the initial excitement of the freshly graduated Stecher trainees and warmly welcomed them to our “Stecher team”. For the five young men, an exciting and interesting time now begins, with many new insights, possible setbacks and, above all, perfect preparation for the coming professional life. Michael Stecher echoed the words and wished the new trainees a lot of fun and good luck for their three-and-a-half-year training period. Following the words of the management, our training manager Benedikt Stehmer together with his deputy Daniel Gläser welcomed our new trainees and started with them into the first day of training. On the second day of training, our trainee excursion is already on the agenda to get to know each other better.

In the picture, our two trainers Benedikt Stehmer (3rd from left) and Daniel Gläser (right) are looking forward to the start of training together with our new trainees Dominik Ladan, Finn Motzer, Eren Coban, Robert Iterman and Christian Schamber (from left).

Training start2019

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