A very successful year 2017 lies behind Stecher GmbH. It is very important to the management of Stecher GmbH to let the region participate accordingly and to support social commitment in our region.
This year, a donation in the amount of € 3,000 was handed over to the Neighborhood Assistance Sauldorf-Meßkirch.
Under the motto “See need and act – we want to help!”, the Neighborhood Watch is committed to helping lonely and needy people, regardless of their faith or origin. Here, the focus is on supporting and accompanying elderly and needy people in their everyday lives. In order to be able to cope with the ever-increasing demand, the Neighborhood Watch relies on a large committed group of helpers. People who like to do good and want to help are therefore cordially invited to get involved in the Neighborhood Watch. Stecher GmbH is pleased to support this great project and thus to be able to make its social contribution.
As representatives of the Neighborhood Assistance, Pastor Mrs. Kunkel, Mrs. Marx as well as Mrs. Sieger accepted the symbolic donation check from the hands of the two managing directors of Stecher GmbH Günter Stecher and Michael Stecher very pleased.
The Neighborhood Watch would be very happy to have more helpers. Contact information is available on the Internet at www.messkirch-sauldorf.de >> Services >> Neighborhood assistance available.