A very important day in the Stecher group was last Saturday. A total of 120 employees accepted the vaccination offer from the Stecher Group and thus completed the first step towards full vaccination protection.

“We are a family business that cares about the employees. For myself, it is a great success to stand here today and feel the positive response of the employees,” says Managing Director Günter Stecher. The biggest challenge was obtaining the vaccine. Together with our company doctor, Mrs. Kaufmann, this was achieved brilliantly. Thanks also go to the organizational team led by Marvin Müller and Klaus Muffler, who took care of the coordination of appointments and the provision of the required vaccination documents, run sheets and vaccination books, as well as providing advice and assistance to the employees during the vaccination day.

Overall, all parts of the company got off to a highly successful start in 2021. The Stecher Group expects to grow by leaps and bounds in 2021. At Stecher Automation, many new interesting jobs are being created in the area of the digital factory. For software developers and PLC programmers, it’s a chance to get involved in the digital world of factory control.

In the picture from left to right:
Klaus Muffler (Stecher Orga-Team), company doctor Maria Kaufmann, Günter Stecher (Managing Director of the Stecher Group) and Willi Römpp (Head of the District Vaccination Center Hohentengen)

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